Have a question?
Fill in our enquiry form, email or call us and one of our booking staff will be happy to answers any questions you may have.
Dial Local
Numbers List
From following countries and speak to our booking staff in London.
From USA: (206) 855 3150
From Abroad: +1 206 855 3150
From Hong Kong: 8121 4233
From Abroad: +852 8121 4233
From Australia: (03) 9013 5053
From Abroad: +61 3 9013 5053

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1 – Book Online
You can Book online any time of day 24 hours, 7 Days a week. If you prepay online you also get online booking discount.
2 – Email us your Booking
You can also email us your booking requirements and we will reply you with confirmation including any queries. Click here to send an email.
3 – Chat Online with Customer Services
You can also chat with our live website customer services agent and make a booking while chatting.
From UK:
Line 1: 020 3384 4693 Line 2: 020 8683 9252
From Abroad:
Line 1: 0044 20 3384 4693 Line 2: 0044 20 8683 9252
Booking Lines (Office hours):
8:00AM till 11:00PM (UK Time)
Call Centre Information Lines:
24 Hours, 7 Days a Week